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  • Di atas sambutan yg amat luar biasa on wink white soap, brand wink white dah kuarkan lg 1 product dats LOTION GLUTA WINK WHITE ... ohsemmm sgt ada SPF 60.. wowwwww.. tp dia ada colour biru jer sbb kebanyakan soap pon mmg yg top sales is blue colour...

    Tunggu apa lg dearrrr... ;)


  • Now dah tak de yer WINK WHITE GLUTA SOAP yg lama tu yer.. yg baru skrg upgrade formula, ada SUNSCREEN SPF 50++ n more booster whitening.. yg lama dah stop pengeluaran..

    Ada seller yg still jual means stock lama.. ;)

    Tips nak spot FAKE WINK WHITE SOAP; kat penutup soap ada tulisan wink white.. tulisan tu bukan dicetak terus nampak bila kita tengok.. tapi kita kena silau2 skit br nampak tulisan tu dia mcm cop tanpa dakwat gitu.. xreti nak explain.. tp dia bukan cetak tulisan terang2 nampak.. okayyyy ;)

    Pemutihan kulit . Menghapuskan sel-sel kulit mati dan bersih.

    Review thousands of sales in excess of 100,000 bales.
    The best affordable price
    The satisfaction guarantee

    With a mixture of the - glutathione - Pure Goat Milk - Ngmsawkgaw - rice bran oil. - Coconut oil - Vitamin E - Vitamin B3 - Vitamin C helps the skin to different substances . Vitamins are absorbed into the skin while bathing. It also contains an ingredient that removes dead skin cells , leaving deep cleansing formula is purely white as possible. Pale to red

    How to make a bleached white the other .
    Regular bathing with soap harness left about 3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Gently rubs will stain black scurf and is coming off a skin cell accumulation around a long time . First exposed skin will feel smooth shiny white moreee..

    Ingredient : Coconut oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, Glutathaione, milk, vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin C, perfume

    GLUTA TAMARIND SOAP Gluta tamarind soap ( BROWN ) *hot

    Kaya dengan Vitamin C tinggi menghilangkan bau yg mendalam. Membantu dlm mslh bintik-bintik hitam , jeragat , mengurangkan lingkaran hitam.

    Soap is gentle , tender tamarind with high vitamin C rich herbal skin to skin luminosity remove dark spots , freckles, minimize dark circles. Deep cleansing removes body odor . Vitamin E is a mixture of honey and make skin radiant , bright and soft , silky skin naturally.

    How to make a bleached white the other .
    Regular bathing with soap harness left about 3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.  Gently rubs will stain black scurf and is coming off a skin cell accumulation around a long time . First exposed skin will feel smooth shiny white.

    Ingredient: Coconut oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, Glutathaione, Tamarind, vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin C, perfume

    100% aroma buah-buahan tulen, tidak kering.

    Pink, white, moist and soft, glowing, flawless.

    Properties Soap is 100% pure fruit extracts Enriched with vitamins. Modern processes to maintain the value of the nutrients used to scent the skin moist and soft white skin , not dry skin and slows the aging of skin. New skin cells.

    How to make a bleached white the other .
    Regular bathing with soap Harness left about 3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Gently rubs Will stain black scurf and is coming off a skin cell accumulation around a long time . First exposed skin will feel smooth shiny white more when use more.

    Ingredient: Coconut oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, Glutathaione, Pomegranate ,vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin C, perfume

    Ekstrak epal dan kiwi. Mencerah dan menegangkan kulit

    White, healthy, aura skin.

    Extracts of Apple and Kiwi . Rich in AHA and vitamins help the skin whitening face and body with the aura skin whitening balmy shower clean scent both face and body skin whitening foam . The kiwi keeps the skin flexible. Reduce wrinkles and hyperpigmentation as well . For your skin and body.

    Ingredient :Coconut oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, Glutathaione, Apple green ,vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin C, perfume

    GLUTA GRAPE SOAP Gluta grape soap ( PURPLE )
    Mengurangkan jerawat pada dada, belakang, lengan , meningkatkan kelembapan pada kulit.

    Anti-aging anti-oxidants. younger skin. Bactericidal reduce acne on the chest, back, arms and moisturize. Elasticity in the skin

    Ingredient: Coconut oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, Glutathaione, grape extract, vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin C, perfume

    Mengurangkan keradangan jerawat. Menghilangkan jeragat. Dengan membunuh bakteria pada kulit.

    Acne cure all kinds of white soft skin irritation.

    Skincare Soap is enriched with extracts of honey and lemon, which has the ability to reduce tots helps skin look lighter. Reduce inflammation by killing the bacteria on the skin. Reduce it without drying the skin. And eliminate impurities that clog pores. Flaking skinbAging Hydrates skin with extracts of honey. Clean skin whitening smooth skin.


    Coconut oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, Glutathaione, lemon, honey ,vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin C, perfume


  • . ramai yg tnyer sis, sis ada jual tak gluta SKINISTA GLUTA ALL IN ONE ??
    aderrrr sygg.. ♥♥♥ . .

    dah ramai gak customer sis consume n ada good feedback.. tak tahan godaan, mcm biasa, sis pon dah consume dkt seminggu hihii.. bgs gak.. kulit sis mmg dah cerah.. kita xprasan sgt.. tp hubyy prasan nmpk cerah dr dlm gtu... hehee.. n plg penting skrg ni panass sgtt kulit rasa mcm sunburn sgt mcm terbakar sgt sgttt, keringgg.. tp Alhamdulillah supplement la yg membantu kita kekalkan kesihatan kulit kita.. skrg tgh consume dis gluta.. okayyy sgtt.. kulit Alhamdulillah xkering malah gebu gebass lg ♥♥ . .

    senang citer jom tgk ingredients SKINISTA GLUTA ALL IN ONE :
    Glutathione *Reduced form 6500mg
    Berry & Grape seed Extract 2000 mg
    Co Q10 800mg
    Collagen tri peptide 500 mg
    Vit C 500mg
    Alpha lipoic acid 200mg
    Freeze-dried placenta extract 50mg . .

    nampakkkkkk.. yg plg menarik skali glutathione dia.. giler u smpai 6500mg.. dia kira gluta yg msk dlm bdn kita xsemua blh guna pakai 100%, ada yg sesat, jth longkang sana sini dlm bdn kita kan, hehee.. so 6500mg tu kira cukup la lps tolak2 yg sesat tu.. . ok sis share cara badan kita perlukan brapa mg gluta in a day.. dia kira mcm ni, 40mg gluta/1kg berat badan kita.. means contoh kalo berat badan kita 100kg, bdn kita akan perlukan 4000mg gluta in a day.. tp xsemua org berat smpai 100kg kan,. n dlm gluta all in one ni kira 6500mg, lps tolak yg sesat2 tu semua insyaAllah ckp la kan gluta yg bdn kita perlukana.. . . okay???? selamat bergluta uolsss ♥♥♥ . .



    SET OVERWHITE OP SODA (LIMITED) by NICKY BRAND dikeluarkan limited as a thansk ats sambutan yg luar biasa terhadap gluta n lotion op overwhite op soda by NICKY BRAND.



    Formula Glutathione dgn soft gel capsule. Membantu mencerahkan kulit, aura, flawless. Menegangkan kulit. Melicinkan kulit. Mengurangkan bintik hitam. Menghalang jerawat. Memudarkan jeragat. Menjadikan kulit sihat dr dalam. Mengecilkan liang pori kulit.


    Ekstrak yg menjanjikan kesan lebih cepat 5x ganda dari lotion biasa dlm masa7hari. Dijamin anda tak akan kecewa dgn hasilnya nanti. ^^ Ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk kulit kusam dgn ekstrak vitamin E dan glutathione. Memberikan kulit licin aura, flawless, tona sekata, lembut dan gebu.


    Sabun 2in1 boleh digunakan utk muka dan badan scr menyeluruh. Mengurangkan bintik hitam, jerawat, jeragat dan mengecilkan liang pori. Kulit anda juga kelihatan lembab.. Flawless.

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    set overwhite op soda nicky brand malaysia

    set overwhite op soda nicky brand malaysia

    set overwhite op soda nicky brand malaysia

    set overwhite op soda nicky brand malaysia


  • Glutathione supplement memutihkan dan melicinkan kulit.
    Melambatkan proses penuaan.
    Melangsingkan badan,
    Menyekatakan tona warna kulit menjadikan bersinar dengan aura.
    Menghilangkan jerawat dan parut. Mengurangkan kedutan, bintik gelap, freckles, membantu mempercepatkan kulit menjadi berseri yang semula jadi kemerah-merahan.
    Supplement yang mudah dan selamat.
    Anda tidak perlu menahan sakit dan membazirkan wang anda dgn kaedah suntikan dan pembedahan.

    Berapa lama untuk nampak kesan?
    Perubahan seawal dalam 2 minggu, perubahan ketara adalah seperti berikut:
    * Kulit yang sederhana cerah "Light-medium brown skin" : 1 - 3 bulan
    * Kulit yang tona gelap "Dark brown skin": 3 - 6 bulan
    * Kulit yang amat gelap " Very dark skin" : 6 - 12 bulan
    * Kulit hitam " Black skin": Sekurang-kurangnya 18 bulan ke atas

    Gluta Frosta Plus Whitening Skin Reduce Acne Freckles Dark Spot Tighten Pore EU, America Japan Ingredients (30 capsules)

    GlutaFrosta Plus is a dietary supplement for healthy skin level premiums that has been ongoing research and development to a new level deep. We study and understand the behavior of living skin problems and the needs of Thailand 's most so GlutaFrosta Plus , it seems to be the answer for people of all ages and all skin GlutaFrosta Plus helps build a healthy and improve the beauty of your skin appears remarkably Everyone must be turned on .

    GlutaFrosta plus White Wing White River ! Faster than ever !

    GlutaFrosta Plus is a dietary supplement for healthy skin level premiums that have been researched and developed constantly to deepen further our education. Main ingredients import from EU America and Japan.
    GlutaFrosta plus suitable for Asian, so most GlutaFrosta Plus is your answer. Best for people of all ages and all skin GlutaFrosta Plus help enhance the health and beauty of skin development .To appear remarkably Everyone must be turned on .

    Behind the scenes of acne blemishes and dark spots.
    As we are always exposed to pollution. The ultraviolet (UV) and eating junk food effect strength of the skin with less acne blemishes addition. Melanin also generates skin cells to change color to darker . These are natural mechanisms . Caused to the common people, especially in the country. Exposed to tropical sunshine all year round.

    GlutaFrosta Plus truly understand the skin problems. We have carefully selected the best nutrients from around the world that helps. New balance of the body New white balance and skin 's natural radiance . Firm up and smooth reasonable. Natural nutrients in the GlutaFrosta Plus these are the right answers.

    + Clog acne on face and back .
    + Renew the strength of collagen . To tighten and firm
    + Add strength to the skin. To get to the sun Pollution and daily
    Reduce the appearance of freckles and dark spots traces .
    + Add moisture and elasticity.
    + Provides smooth wrinkles and tighten pores.
    + Soothe and condition the skin redness caused by Krause (skin peeling), laser , or sunlight .

    Clear white balance adjustment to these new GlutaFrosta Plus starting treatment systems within the body. Continuing to the deepest layer of skin cells . Until we see the epidermis.

    • Smooth skin with no wrinkl
    • Antioxidants & Anti-aging
    • Regeneration of collagen, tighten and firm
    • Reduce Acne on face and back.
    • Bright and reduce wrinkles with pine bark
    • Moisturize and flexibility skin.
    • Reduce Freckles and dark spots.
    Enhancing skin's health and make the skin pinky white

    Dosage: Take 1-2 Capsules per day
    Storage: Keep in a cool dry place
    Condition: Brand new & Never used with a seal from factory
    Size: 30 Capsules/Box (Premium 34,200 mg.)
    Quantity: 1 Box


    Glutathione: Many of us are already familiar with Glutathione. All blood cells need Glutathione to clean out all toxics in our bodies. Liver is our main factories in producing Glutathione. Another appreciate benefit of Glutathione is its ability to inhibit melanin to produce dark color on skin. The result is whiter and brighter skin.

    Glutathione (GSH) is a tripeptide amino acid which conposes of Cysteine, Glycine and Glutamic acids. The production process is mostly done at our livers. Therefore, our liver must be healthy in order for Glutathione to be produced. GlutaFrosta has a secret machanism, called "3x Triple Gluta Booster". It has 3 major machanisms to help our bodies increase Glutathione by ourselves at maximum level. Glutathione is healthy and safe.

    Lycpene: It is a super Anti-Oxydant that work on fat body part. This element is extracted from tomato. Lycpene help protecting cells from UV rays and protecting DNA from destroying. Lycpene is not only good for skin but also good for curing some cancers.

    Coenzyme Q10: It is one of the best essential element for body. Coenzyme Q-10 gives energy to muscles and heart. It also nourishs collagens and promotes the body's production of collagen. The result is to delay premature wrinkles.

    Pycnogenol: It is extracted from Pine Bark. Pycnogenol has OPCs which our stomach can easily absorb. They help enhancing skin's health and make the skin pinky white. Additionall, OPCs can strengthen our tissue and blood vessels. Additionally, its feature of enhancing brain's health and protecting enzymes to degrade collagen makes our skin stay



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