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Archive for 2014

  • E X C L U S I V E . . products nak kata baru xbaru sgt nak kata lama xlama sgt.. tp meletoppp gilerr kt Thai.. mmg bgs sgt.. sis pcaya ramai yg dah tau psl stem cell kan.. ada 1 product msia stem cell yg meletopp tu.. ♥♥ .

    stem cell ni dr epal hijau yg diimport dr Switzerland.. bkn epal biasa tau.. epal ni dah petik 4month pon still segar.. wowww kan... mmg bgs sgt.. then satu lg anggur tu bgs sgtttt.. mmg ohsem giler khasiat dia.. .

    bgs utk kulit n badan : anti wrinkles, beri tenaga, tidur yg lena utk yg slalu berjaga n xckp tido, jerawat, jeragat, bntk itam, pori, parut, bg kulit glowing flawless mulus putih lembut lembab, mengantikan sel kulit rosak n mati, sihat sendi kuku rambut sihat n bnyk lg ♥♥♥ .

    PHYTOSC works in 6 ways:
    1. Smooths and brightens skin
    2. Reduces wrinkles & lines
    3. Internal organ repair
    4. Neutralises bodily toxins
    5. Sleep promotion
    6. Immune system boost .

    1 Day : Good and deep sleep.
    3 Days : Smooths skin.
    7 Days : Reduces wrinkles & lines.
    15 Days : Brightening skin.
    30 Days : Look younger than your age and healthy. . .

    TripleStemcell - 500 mg
    - PhytoCellTec TM Malus Domestica
    - PhytoCellTec TM Solar Vitis
    - Enchinacea Angustifolia Stem Cell
    - L-Cysteine - 500 mg
    - L-Glutathione - 250 mg
    - GrapeSeedExtract - 150 mg
    - PineBarkExtract - 150 mg
    - AcerolaCherry - 70 mg
    - Astaxanthin - 6 mg . .

    1BOX = 10SACHETS . .

    cara pengambilan: kemam bawah lidah dlm 30saat, sampai dia meresap.. kenapa perlu kemam bawah lidah xtelan mcm biasa.. kelebihan dia bawah lidah 1 satu saraf ke apa dimana bila dia meresap phytosc tu lbh cpt n berkali2 ganda hampir 100% sampai ke tempat dia nak pergi.. hehee,, kalo telan mcm biasa, paham2 la sangkut situ sini bnyk lemak la apa yg akan halang kerja2 phyto sc tu nanti..


  • Di atas sambutan yg amat luar biasa on wink white soap, brand wink white dah kuarkan lg 1 product dats LOTION GLUTA WINK WHITE ... ohsemmm sgt ada SPF 60.. wowwwww.. tp dia ada colour biru jer sbb kebanyakan soap pon mmg yg top sales is blue colour...

    Tunggu apa lg dearrrr... ;)


  • Now dah tak de yer WINK WHITE GLUTA SOAP yg lama tu yer.. yg baru skrg upgrade formula, ada SUNSCREEN SPF 50++ n more booster whitening.. yg lama dah stop pengeluaran..

    Ada seller yg still jual means stock lama.. ;)

    Tips nak spot FAKE WINK WHITE SOAP; kat penutup soap ada tulisan wink white.. tulisan tu bukan dicetak terus nampak bila kita tengok.. tapi kita kena silau2 skit br nampak tulisan tu dia mcm cop tanpa dakwat gitu.. xreti nak explain.. tp dia bukan cetak tulisan terang2 nampak.. okayyyy ;)

    Pemutihan kulit . Menghapuskan sel-sel kulit mati dan bersih.

    Review thousands of sales in excess of 100,000 bales.
    The best affordable price
    The satisfaction guarantee

    With a mixture of the - glutathione - Pure Goat Milk - Ngmsawkgaw - rice bran oil. - Coconut oil - Vitamin E - Vitamin B3 - Vitamin C helps the skin to different substances . Vitamins are absorbed into the skin while bathing. It also contains an ingredient that removes dead skin cells , leaving deep cleansing formula is purely white as possible. Pale to red

    How to make a bleached white the other .
    Regular bathing with soap harness left about 3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Gently rubs will stain black scurf and is coming off a skin cell accumulation around a long time . First exposed skin will feel smooth shiny white moreee..

    Ingredient : Coconut oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, Glutathaione, milk, vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin C, perfume

    GLUTA TAMARIND SOAP Gluta tamarind soap ( BROWN ) *hot

    Kaya dengan Vitamin C tinggi menghilangkan bau yg mendalam. Membantu dlm mslh bintik-bintik hitam , jeragat , mengurangkan lingkaran hitam.

    Soap is gentle , tender tamarind with high vitamin C rich herbal skin to skin luminosity remove dark spots , freckles, minimize dark circles. Deep cleansing removes body odor . Vitamin E is a mixture of honey and make skin radiant , bright and soft , silky skin naturally.

    How to make a bleached white the other .
    Regular bathing with soap harness left about 3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.  Gently rubs will stain black scurf and is coming off a skin cell accumulation around a long time . First exposed skin will feel smooth shiny white.

    Ingredient: Coconut oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, Glutathaione, Tamarind, vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin C, perfume

    100% aroma buah-buahan tulen, tidak kering.

    Pink, white, moist and soft, glowing, flawless.

    Properties Soap is 100% pure fruit extracts Enriched with vitamins. Modern processes to maintain the value of the nutrients used to scent the skin moist and soft white skin , not dry skin and slows the aging of skin. New skin cells.

    How to make a bleached white the other .
    Regular bathing with soap Harness left about 3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Gently rubs Will stain black scurf and is coming off a skin cell accumulation around a long time . First exposed skin will feel smooth shiny white more when use more.

    Ingredient: Coconut oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, Glutathaione, Pomegranate ,vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin C, perfume

    Ekstrak epal dan kiwi. Mencerah dan menegangkan kulit

    White, healthy, aura skin.

    Extracts of Apple and Kiwi . Rich in AHA and vitamins help the skin whitening face and body with the aura skin whitening balmy shower clean scent both face and body skin whitening foam . The kiwi keeps the skin flexible. Reduce wrinkles and hyperpigmentation as well . For your skin and body.

    Ingredient :Coconut oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, Glutathaione, Apple green ,vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin C, perfume

    GLUTA GRAPE SOAP Gluta grape soap ( PURPLE )
    Mengurangkan jerawat pada dada, belakang, lengan , meningkatkan kelembapan pada kulit.

    Anti-aging anti-oxidants. younger skin. Bactericidal reduce acne on the chest, back, arms and moisturize. Elasticity in the skin

    Ingredient: Coconut oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, Glutathaione, grape extract, vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin C, perfume

    Mengurangkan keradangan jerawat. Menghilangkan jeragat. Dengan membunuh bakteria pada kulit.

    Acne cure all kinds of white soft skin irritation.

    Skincare Soap is enriched with extracts of honey and lemon, which has the ability to reduce tots helps skin look lighter. Reduce inflammation by killing the bacteria on the skin. Reduce it without drying the skin. And eliminate impurities that clog pores. Flaking skinbAging Hydrates skin with extracts of honey. Clean skin whitening smooth skin.


    Coconut oil, Rice bran oil, Sunflower oil, Glutathaione, lemon, honey ,vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin C, perfume


  • . ramai yg tnyer sis, sis ada jual tak gluta SKINISTA GLUTA ALL IN ONE ??
    aderrrr sygg.. ♥♥♥ . .

    dah ramai gak customer sis consume n ada good feedback.. tak tahan godaan, mcm biasa, sis pon dah consume dkt seminggu hihii.. bgs gak.. kulit sis mmg dah cerah.. kita xprasan sgt.. tp hubyy prasan nmpk cerah dr dlm gtu... hehee.. n plg penting skrg ni panass sgtt kulit rasa mcm sunburn sgt mcm terbakar sgt sgttt, keringgg.. tp Alhamdulillah supplement la yg membantu kita kekalkan kesihatan kulit kita.. skrg tgh consume dis gluta.. okayyy sgtt.. kulit Alhamdulillah xkering malah gebu gebass lg ♥♥ . .

    senang citer jom tgk ingredients SKINISTA GLUTA ALL IN ONE :
    Glutathione *Reduced form 6500mg
    Berry & Grape seed Extract 2000 mg
    Co Q10 800mg
    Collagen tri peptide 500 mg
    Vit C 500mg
    Alpha lipoic acid 200mg
    Freeze-dried placenta extract 50mg . .

    nampakkkkkk.. yg plg menarik skali glutathione dia.. giler u smpai 6500mg.. dia kira gluta yg msk dlm bdn kita xsemua blh guna pakai 100%, ada yg sesat, jth longkang sana sini dlm bdn kita kan, hehee.. so 6500mg tu kira cukup la lps tolak2 yg sesat tu.. . ok sis share cara badan kita perlukan brapa mg gluta in a day.. dia kira mcm ni, 40mg gluta/1kg berat badan kita.. means contoh kalo berat badan kita 100kg, bdn kita akan perlukan 4000mg gluta in a day.. tp xsemua org berat smpai 100kg kan,. n dlm gluta all in one ni kira 6500mg, lps tolak yg sesat2 tu semua insyaAllah ckp la kan gluta yg bdn kita perlukana.. . . okay???? selamat bergluta uolsss ♥♥♥ . .


    ni supplement utk org pompuan,, utk kesihatan dlmn wanita.. .

    What u will get from PADASO :
    badan sihat n segar
    menaikkan seri wajah
    payudara tegang, montok, gebu, mantoppp
    kulit badan gebu flawless
    miss V ketat, rapat, anjal, otot umpphh
    pulihkan miss V berair / kering pulihkan keputihan
    sihatkan rahim
    hilangkan senggugut
    haid teratur
    hilang hanyir haid
    menstabilkan hormon
    kulit badan anjal, anti aging

    bntu mslh jerawat, jeragat, pori, kulit kering n sume2 prob kulit . . . . .


    ( 100% FREE )

    POST kali ni tak ada kaitan dengan mrsjaypee_beautyshop pon.. heheee.. tapiiiiiiiiiiiii menyampah dengan orang yg suka ambik kesempatan dengan benda yg mudah sangat.. jual like tu ok la.. memang susah la kan xtau diaorg wat mcm mn.. xreti jgk la sis pon.. bukan pandai sgt pon..

    Tapi ni nak tukar nama fanpage, kat setting jer kot…… siap nak charge lagi.. kalo RM10, 20 ok la jgk.. ni urmmmm yg pnah terkena tu mmg tau la kan.. sis pond ah nak terkena, tapi xpuas hati sbb tgk mcm kt setting jer.. google punyer google.. jumpa la jgk solution nyerrrr… kena download extension apa entah untuk konon2 kita ni xdok kat Malaysia, kiranyer kita ni dok kat USA.. sbb USA boleh request tukar nama fanpage.. so kita download la extension tu.. then boleh tukar.. xde la blh tkr trs, take times 2weeks.. n tgk gak ats luck.. sbb kita kena htr email kt fb.. insyaAllah di permudahkan..

    Sis dah Berjaya tukar nama fanpage sis.. sebelum ni nama fanpage sis M R S J A Y P E E budget mall.. sbb ingt mudah kan wt nama mcm tu senang nk jual apa pon boleh.. hehee.. tp skrg produk beauty ni xmenang tgn nak deliver, so wt ms skrg tumpukan utk produk beauty ni dulu.. sbb tu nak sgt tkr nama page.. sbb customer from IG ssh nak detact kt FB.. so lps ni senang la kan.. ;))

    JOm tengok tutorial yg xberapa reti nak explain ni.. sooo copy paste jer..


    How This Trick Works??
    This feature is already available with every user in USA so we will be simply changing our location to USA using a proxy chrome extension called Hola Proxy and rest steps are given below follow them and get your desired page name.

    Step 1. Open Google Chrome and click here to install extension Hola Proxy
    Step 2. Once you have added this extension in your chrome, Now simple open in your chrome browser
    Step 3. Press the Hola extension icon (top right of browser)
    Step 4. Choose the country as USA by clicking on its flag icon as show in image below

    Step 5. Now it will start changing your location to USA

    Step 6. Once you have been redirected to USA server, your facebook page will be refreshed and you will be asked to login on its homepage
    Step 7. Log into your id and navigate to the desired page (having more that 200 likes) for which you want to change name.
    Step 8. Click on update page info and then click on edit name.
    Step 9. Now here you will find a new option called  request change that was previously not available,

    Step 10. Simple right click over it and click on Open in a New Window

    Step 11. I need to change the name of my Page form will appear, tick the box and various other field will appear in front of you

    #Now enter your desired page name
    #Under Why you want to change your page name heading i recommend you to select the option I m re-branding my page from the drop down menu else you can select your own choice that sits you.

    Now in the choose file you have to specify the reason why you want to change the reason want to change the page name. I will recommend you to create a word file containing the reason and some screenshots of your new business, website or your new page information.This is a screenshot of my document that i submitted to them.

    ** kat sini sis letak screenshot IG, BLOG .. wat dlm bentuk word doc tau.. skali dgn ayat skit2, buat la alasan apa2 yg logik.. hehee.. kat sini la yg dikatakan 'luck'.. xpayah panjang sgt.. just ada point2 penting jer. ;)

    #Tick the box the box and click on Send
    #A message will be displayed saying you will be contacted shortly but don't worry

    After 2 or 3 days your page name will be changed to your desired page.

    You are Done. Your page will be renamed within 2 - 3 days . Enjoy.


    Selalunyer 2weeks baru tukar nama tu nanti.. FB akn hantar email.. tgk email tu nanti.. kot2 macam sis letak nama xikut peraturan la kononyer.. then buat blk from step 1.. kalo dah ok, FB email ckp ok.. then tunggu jer.. dah tukar FB xhantar dah email.. tgk2 dah tukar nama.. yeayyyyyyyyyyyy..

    Hopefully dpt la bantu uolssss yg nak tkr nama fanpage tu yer.. xyah buang duit..




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