• Posted by : MRSJAYPEE (sis aa)

    ( 100% FREE )

    POST kali ni tak ada kaitan dengan mrsjaypee_beautyshop pon.. heheee.. tapiiiiiiiiiiiii menyampah dengan orang yg suka ambik kesempatan dengan benda yg mudah sangat.. jual like tu ok la.. memang susah la kan xtau diaorg wat mcm mn.. xreti jgk la sis pon.. bukan pandai sgt pon..

    Tapi ni nak tukar nama fanpage, kat setting jer kot…… siap nak charge lagi.. kalo RM10, 20 ok la jgk.. ni urmmmm yg pnah terkena tu mmg tau la kan.. sis pond ah nak terkena, tapi xpuas hati sbb tgk mcm kt setting jer.. google punyer google.. jumpa la jgk solution nyerrrr… kena download extension apa entah untuk konon2 kita ni xdok kat Malaysia, kiranyer kita ni dok kat USA.. sbb USA boleh request tukar nama fanpage.. so kita download la extension tu.. then boleh tukar.. xde la blh tkr trs, take times 2weeks.. n tgk gak ats luck.. sbb kita kena htr email kt fb.. insyaAllah di permudahkan..

    Sis dah Berjaya tukar nama fanpage sis.. sebelum ni nama fanpage sis M R S J A Y P E E budget mall.. sbb ingt mudah kan wt nama mcm tu senang nk jual apa pon boleh.. hehee.. tp skrg produk beauty ni xmenang tgn nak deliver, so wt ms skrg tumpukan utk produk beauty ni dulu.. sbb tu nak sgt tkr nama page.. sbb customer from IG ssh nak detact kt FB.. so lps ni senang la kan.. ;))

    JOm tengok tutorial yg xberapa reti nak explain ni.. sooo copy paste jer..


    How This Trick Works??
    This feature is already available with every user in USA so we will be simply changing our location to USA using a proxy chrome extension called Hola Proxy and rest steps are given below follow them and get your desired page name.

    Step 1. Open Google Chrome and click here to install extension Hola Proxy
    Step 2. Once you have added this extension in your chrome, Now simple open facebook.com in your chrome browser
    Step 3. Press the Hola extension icon (top right of browser)
    Step 4. Choose the country as USA by clicking on its flag icon as show in image below

    Step 5. Now it will start changing your location to USA

    Step 6. Once you have been redirected to USA server, your facebook page will be refreshed and you will be asked to login on its homepage
    Step 7. Log into your id and navigate to the desired page (having more that 200 likes) for which you want to change name.
    Step 8. Click on update page info and then click on edit name.
    Step 9. Now here you will find a new option called  request change that was previously not available,

    Step 10. Simple right click over it and click on Open in a New Window

    Step 11. I need to change the name of my Page form will appear, tick the box and various other field will appear in front of you

    #Now enter your desired page name
    #Under Why you want to change your page name heading i recommend you to select the option I m re-branding my page from the drop down menu else you can select your own choice that sits you.

    Now in the choose file you have to specify the reason why you want to change the reason want to change the page name. I will recommend you to create a word file containing the reason and some screenshots of your new business, website or your new page information.This is a screenshot of my document that i submitted to them.

    ** kat sini sis letak screenshot IG, BLOG .. wat dlm bentuk word doc tau.. skali dgn ayat skit2, buat la alasan apa2 yg logik.. hehee.. kat sini la yg dikatakan 'luck'.. xpayah panjang sgt.. just ada point2 penting jer. ;)

    #Tick the box the box and click on Send
    #A message will be displayed saying you will be contacted shortly but don't worry

    After 2 or 3 days your page name will be changed to your desired page.

    You are Done. Your page will be renamed within 2 - 3 days . Enjoy.


    Selalunyer 2weeks baru tukar nama tu nanti.. FB akn hantar email.. tgk email tu nanti.. kot2 macam sis letak nama xikut peraturan la kononyer.. then buat blk from step 1.. kalo dah ok, FB email ckp ok.. then tunggu jer.. dah tukar FB xhantar dah email.. tgk2 dah tukar nama.. yeayyyyyyyyyyyy..

    Hopefully dpt la bantu uolssss yg nak tkr nama fanpage tu yer.. xyah buang duit..



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