• Posted by : MRSJAYPEE (sis aa)

    dah lama sis nak stdy skincare ni tp slalu xbkesempatan.. rugi nyer sis xintroduce kt uolsssss... ramai gilerrrr testimoni dear.. .
    S K I N C A R E b y A N Y A
    S K I N C A R E b y A N Y A
    S K I N C A R E b y A N Y A
    S K I N C A R E b y A N Y A
    S K I N C A R E b y A N Y A
    Set mengandungi :

    1. GREENTEA SOAP 60g
    greentea dari philipines, mmg bgs sgt utk kulit muka jerawat, minyak, pori terbuka, bintik itam.. menjadikan kilit bebas jerawat, minyak.. kulit muka pth licin flawless dear..

    2. DAY SERUM 10g
    serum yg cepat meresap, xmelekit.. pakai pg sebelum pakai moisturizer or anything.. mengekalkan kulit sihat segar benas minyak lebih lama

    3. NIGHT CREAM 10g
    yg plg hangatttttttt is this cream as a acne block!! wowwww.. ohse, yunk.. pakai before tido.. sapu kt seluruh muka.. pakai nipis jer.. bgn pg rasakan!!!! kalo ada jerawat merah besar2 sapu bnyk skit kt jerawat tu confirm mmg cpt kecut.. .

    Set of SkinCare by Anya for Effective clearing acne pimple 

    Include 3 Pcs:

    1.  Green Tea Soap Size  60g
    genuine imported from the Philippines. Barcode screen beside the wrap. Oil control(good for oil skin) and reduce inflammation of the skin as well. Deep cleansing face wash
    How to use: You can use this soap in bulk or cut it into 2 parts or 4 parts to save.Then Mix a little water, rub to make bubbles, Wash all over your face and then Washed thoroughly
    2.  Day Serum Size 10g
    Keep skin moist.Oil control.Help Skin whitening and Brightness more. Helps tighten pores. reduce acne scars. and black marks from acne scars fade.
    How to use: Apply this all over the face in the morning after cleansing.
    3.  Night Cream (Acne Block Cream) Size 10g
    Reduce acne, Reduce hyperpigmentation, Skin smooth and clear the aura and helps keep skin soft, Skin healthy looking.
    How to use: Apply lightly all over face.( Cases of inflammatory acne I recommend apply The point where inflammatory acne pimples. To help clearing inflammatory acne.

    { 7 comments... read them below or Comment }

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    4. my goodness!! if these pictures are real then there is a lot difference between the older one and the new one, new one a damn clean and clear other than the old one, if these images are not fake i would highly recommend this soap for skin care treatment

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    6. Use anti-pigmentation creams for the dark spots.Glowing Skin Best Night Cream helps skin glow overnight and wakes up with radiant skin.


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