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Archive for June 2014

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    POST kali ni tak ada kaitan dengan mrsjaypee_beautyshop pon.. heheee.. tapiiiiiiiiiiiii menyampah dengan orang yg suka ambik kesempatan dengan benda yg mudah sangat.. jual like tu ok la.. memang susah la kan xtau diaorg wat mcm mn.. xreti jgk la sis pon.. bukan pandai sgt pon..

    Tapi ni nak tukar nama fanpage, kat setting jer kot…… siap nak charge lagi.. kalo RM10, 20 ok la jgk.. ni urmmmm yg pnah terkena tu mmg tau la kan.. sis pond ah nak terkena, tapi xpuas hati sbb tgk mcm kt setting jer.. google punyer google.. jumpa la jgk solution nyerrrr… kena download extension apa entah untuk konon2 kita ni xdok kat Malaysia, kiranyer kita ni dok kat USA.. sbb USA boleh request tukar nama fanpage.. so kita download la extension tu.. then boleh tukar.. xde la blh tkr trs, take times 2weeks.. n tgk gak ats luck.. sbb kita kena htr email kt fb.. insyaAllah di permudahkan..

    Sis dah Berjaya tukar nama fanpage sis.. sebelum ni nama fanpage sis M R S J A Y P E E budget mall.. sbb ingt mudah kan wt nama mcm tu senang nk jual apa pon boleh.. hehee.. tp skrg produk beauty ni xmenang tgn nak deliver, so wt ms skrg tumpukan utk produk beauty ni dulu.. sbb tu nak sgt tkr nama page.. sbb customer from IG ssh nak detact kt FB.. so lps ni senang la kan.. ;))

    JOm tengok tutorial yg xberapa reti nak explain ni.. sooo copy paste jer..


    How This Trick Works??
    This feature is already available with every user in USA so we will be simply changing our location to USA using a proxy chrome extension called Hola Proxy and rest steps are given below follow them and get your desired page name.

    Step 1. Open Google Chrome and click here to install extension Hola Proxy
    Step 2. Once you have added this extension in your chrome, Now simple open in your chrome browser
    Step 3. Press the Hola extension icon (top right of browser)
    Step 4. Choose the country as USA by clicking on its flag icon as show in image below

    Step 5. Now it will start changing your location to USA

    Step 6. Once you have been redirected to USA server, your facebook page will be refreshed and you will be asked to login on its homepage
    Step 7. Log into your id and navigate to the desired page (having more that 200 likes) for which you want to change name.
    Step 8. Click on update page info and then click on edit name.
    Step 9. Now here you will find a new option called  request change that was previously not available,

    Step 10. Simple right click over it and click on Open in a New Window

    Step 11. I need to change the name of my Page form will appear, tick the box and various other field will appear in front of you

    #Now enter your desired page name
    #Under Why you want to change your page name heading i recommend you to select the option I m re-branding my page from the drop down menu else you can select your own choice that sits you.

    Now in the choose file you have to specify the reason why you want to change the reason want to change the page name. I will recommend you to create a word file containing the reason and some screenshots of your new business, website or your new page information.This is a screenshot of my document that i submitted to them.

    ** kat sini sis letak screenshot IG, BLOG .. wat dlm bentuk word doc tau.. skali dgn ayat skit2, buat la alasan apa2 yg logik.. hehee.. kat sini la yg dikatakan 'luck'.. xpayah panjang sgt.. just ada point2 penting jer. ;)

    #Tick the box the box and click on Send
    #A message will be displayed saying you will be contacted shortly but don't worry

    After 2 or 3 days your page name will be changed to your desired page.

    You are Done. Your page will be renamed within 2 - 3 days . Enjoy.


    Selalunyer 2weeks baru tukar nama tu nanti.. FB akn hantar email.. tgk email tu nanti.. kot2 macam sis letak nama xikut peraturan la kononyer.. then buat blk from step 1.. kalo dah ok, FB email ckp ok.. then tunggu jer.. dah tukar FB xhantar dah email.. tgk2 dah tukar nama.. yeayyyyyyyyyyyy..

    Hopefully dpt la bantu uolssss yg nak tkr nama fanpage tu yer.. xyah buang duit..




  • dah lama sis nak stdy skincare ni tp slalu xbkesempatan.. rugi nyer sis xintroduce kt uolsssss... ramai gilerrrr testimoni dear.. .
    S K I N C A R E b y A N Y A
    S K I N C A R E b y A N Y A
    S K I N C A R E b y A N Y A
    S K I N C A R E b y A N Y A
    S K I N C A R E b y A N Y A
    Set mengandungi :

    1. GREENTEA SOAP 60g
    greentea dari philipines, mmg bgs sgt utk kulit muka jerawat, minyak, pori terbuka, bintik itam.. menjadikan kilit bebas jerawat, minyak.. kulit muka pth licin flawless dear..

    2. DAY SERUM 10g
    serum yg cepat meresap, xmelekit.. pakai pg sebelum pakai moisturizer or anything.. mengekalkan kulit sihat segar benas minyak lebih lama

    3. NIGHT CREAM 10g
    yg plg hangatttttttt is this cream as a acne block!! wowwww.. ohse, yunk.. pakai before tido.. sapu kt seluruh muka.. pakai nipis jer.. bgn pg rasakan!!!! kalo ada jerawat merah besar2 sapu bnyk skit kt jerawat tu confirm mmg cpt kecut.. .

    Set of SkinCare by Anya for Effective clearing acne pimple 

    Include 3 Pcs:

    1.  Green Tea Soap Size  60g
    genuine imported from the Philippines. Barcode screen beside the wrap. Oil control(good for oil skin) and reduce inflammation of the skin as well. Deep cleansing face wash
    How to use: You can use this soap in bulk or cut it into 2 parts or 4 parts to save.Then Mix a little water, rub to make bubbles, Wash all over your face and then Washed thoroughly
    2.  Day Serum Size 10g
    Keep skin moist.Oil control.Help Skin whitening and Brightness more. Helps tighten pores. reduce acne scars. and black marks from acne scars fade.
    How to use: Apply this all over the face in the morning after cleansing.
    3.  Night Cream (Acne Block Cream) Size 10g
    Reduce acne, Reduce hyperpigmentation, Skin smooth and clear the aura and helps keep skin soft, Skin healthy looking.
    How to use: Apply lightly all over face.( Cases of inflammatory acne I recommend apply The point where inflammatory acne pimples. To help clearing inflammatory acne.



    SET BODY PEELING yg sangat meletoppp kat Thailand.. tak larat nak upload gambar testimoni.. boleh google yer.. mmg banyak sgt..

    Produk peeling utk body ni memang susah nak cari kt Malaysia.. so kt sini sis introduce kt uolss the best body peeling set.. dia bg kesan peeling skit jer, utk tanggalkan sel kulit mati yg degil tu.. menjadikan kulit yg kasar menjadi lembut.. kesan gigitan nyamuk, luka, gatal2 or scar apa2 pon blh cuba set ni pasti xmengecewakan.. also utk part mcm siku, buku lali or mana2 kulit yg gelap..

    Boleh beli loose atau set..

    CLEAR SPOT 15g
    CLEAR SPOT 30g



    Molli Dolly Clear Spot

    Scar removal products Body spots
    To ensure smooth, luminous skin.

    Rich with :
    Qualified medical
    Scars from mosquito bites Insect bites
    Scars of lymph nodes exhaust chickenpox scars.
    Marks or dark spots on the body.
    Stretch marks from gaining weight Or after childbirth

    Help to:
    Thin skin, especially around the scar after shower 2 times a day (morning - evening).

      Cream should not be used During the wet
    Should immediately stop using the When allergies
      Keep product away from direct sunlight and heat.

    Vitamin B3 inhibits pigment transfer process to display the cell surface. So to keep your skin looking radiant white. Skin naturally
    Tranexamic Acid Reduces the pigment melanin in the skin. It makes the skin look more white blemishes fade.
    Sodium PCA moisturizes the skin without dryness. The skin is not dry and soft.

    Glycolic Acid is derived from sugar cane. A small structure deep below the surface down to work. Help wrinkles gradually fade.


    Molli Dolly Fruity Peel

    Gel skin (Body only)
    Gel Peeling skin natural extracts which binds with the dead skin cells.
    Including dirt Primarily extracted from strawberries.

    Qualified medical
    Help remove dead skin cells, sweat, dust pollution.
    Your skin smooth and soft to the touch.
    Helps reduce the appearance of scars It also allows other cream. Can be absorbed into the deeper skin layers.

    Help to:
    Lap gel in moderation. Over the entire area to be
    To gel binds with dirt. And dead skin cells should wait 10-15 seconds.
    Then removed

    Do not allow the gel to water due to performance and some substances will dissolve.
    Should not be used During the wet
    Should immediately stop using the When allergies
    Keep product away from direct sunlight and heat.

    Vitamin A directly tackle spots.
    Vitamin C directly into the skin and immediately used.
    Sodium Lactate moisturizing skin.
    Collagen Amino prevent the formation of free radicals.
    And increase skin elasticity Prevent premature aging

    The result is clarity. Free of old skin cells and dirt.


    Molli Dolly Gluta Wink Lotion Plus

    Body lotion Protect your skin from the sun all UVA, UVB.
    Maintenance and regeneration of skin whitening spots. And retain moisture to the skin.

    Qualified medical
    Enhances vitamin and repair skin pigment melanin.
    Creating a moisturizer Helps to maintain a gentle boil.
    (* See better results when used with a clear spots).
    Uneven skin tone and skin to skin with water naturally.
    Soft touch surface

    Help to:
    Wink fondle glutathione lotion all over the body.
    Often as desired
    (If used with creams Molly Dolly Clear Spot lotion after applying the cream. "Clear Spot").

    Cream should not be used During the wet
    Should immediately stop using the When allergies
    Keep product away from direct sunlight and heat.

    See that the glutathione lotion Wink in?
    As an antioxidant Inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase.

    (S = enzyme tyrosinase is responsible for skin pigmentation, dull colors on the processes involved.
    Were mosquito bites, scratches, bumps, dark spots.
    According R.s.dr. Mr.Kittisak :: Destined for Science Education Lecturer, Department of Pharmacognosy
    Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University)

    Vitamin E
    Helps keep skin soft, not dry and the water level in the skin.
    Against wrinkles

    Tomato Extract
    Tomato extract Keep skin radiant
    Brighten up dark spots.

    Lemon Extract
    Lemon extract Helps skin Body wash
    Eliminate cell degeneration Refresh your skin

    Grapefruit Extract
    Grape Seed Extract Help combat the destruction of collagen fibers.
    And elastin are the main structures in the cells.

    BillBerry Extract
    Bilberry extract Helps maintain the collagen fibers in the skin.
    Any help is deeply embedded scars.

    And create new skin base layer. Treat yourself to skin


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